I’m feeling {blue} today.
Not sure why exactly… just feeling a little down and out. 
Feeling uninspired. 
Feeling just a little bit
In efforts to get out of my funk I did what I normally do… 
I surfed the internet and looked at pretty things. 
Pretty things and pretty parties really tend to make me happy.

In my web surfing I spent some very productive time on the 

talk about pretty. 
So, I wanted to share a few images that are pulling me out of my state of bluedom.
 See, pretty. 
I’ve been thinking about my wedding lately
(probably because my 5-year anniversary is right around the corner)
and, I’m really daydreaming about how I’d design the wedding now… 
5 years later.
These images and products would certainly make an appearance if I planned 
another wedding to the best man I’ve ever met.
Well, now that I’ve been reminiscing about my wedding
my someday party for celebrating my amazing relationship…
well, I’m beginning to feel a lot more

Jenni is a blogger and marketing professional in Portland, Oregon. A Well Crafted Party is a blog about all the little things to celebrate in life. Follow Jenni or A Well Crafted Party with BlogLovin, RSS feed, Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest.


  1. We were just talking yesterday about how we would plan a different wedding now too. Not that our wedding wasn’t perfect in every way, but as you change so do your tastes and priorties…so it would just look a little different! Hope today is happier 🙂

  2. I did a “feeling blue” post today as well…
    it is the weather!
    BUT apothecary jars are wonderful, makes me smile 😀

  3. Well, for starters, I’d get to wear a dress that’s 4, that’s right 4!!!, sizes smaller. So I’d take a do-over on that. And I’d have had a train, and not been worried/ticked off that my mother in law wore black.

    And never never ever have let my sister in law have the keys to the get away car. We didn’t leave until the last guests were because the keys ended up in the pond.

    But I would still have the same guy (I guess…wink wink) the same food, and most of the same details.

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