Happy Memorial Day everyone!
I hope you are having a good memorial day weekend and are taking advantage of any time off it might bring. I know I am… getting a ton of stuff done this weekend!
I will be posting a {Mommy Monday} later today,
but I wanted to add in a special memorial day post.
Memorial Day…
Pictured flowers that were placed in honor of my husband’s grandfather |
I’m very much missing my family in Oklahoma this Memorial Day.
Every year we would get together to visit the graves of our passed relatives
(those that were in the military and not).
It was always a special time to reflect and remember.
We spent time together as a family and remembered those we’ve lost.
I don’t know why it was always such a special time but,
for me it was part of what made our family kind of amazing.
Memorial Day has another special meaning for my family as many of the people in my
family have served (or are currently serving) in the military.
Both of my grandfathers, two of my uncles and both of my brothers have taken a turn serving the country through one of the arms of the military.
My two brothers (and the future uncles of my little one) have both been to war and it is
in no small way that I am so very thankful
that this memorial day we are not remembering their passing,
but rather reflecting on their sacrifices and time spent away from family and friends.

Thanks brothers!
I’m so glad
you are safe
& thankful
for your
hard work!
You are both
Also, a quick holiday note from a
At my house, Memorial Day is my work weekend.
The spring storms usually leave us quite a bit of tree limbs to clean up, even more so in this year and last. (You may remember that we live just east of Oklahoma City. I’ll take a few downed limbs any day compared to what I could be facing.)
The end of school and impending summer camps means a hectic work schedule for my husband (who is a youth minister) and I like to take at advantage of the long weekend to work ahead a little on the honey do list. This helps us free up the precious few other family weekends for fun. Usually my husband and I work side by side while our daughter plays nearby.
This year, with a mobile little one in tow, I don’t expect to get near as much accomplished!
Next week I’ll be back for another {Mommy Monday} post with tips on cleaning up the outdoors!
On a more personal note:
Please remember Oklahoma in your thoughts and prayers, especially the Hamil family. Many more families were left damaged or destroyed homes, and would appreciate your prayers as well.
Please keep them in your thoughts, as well as the many others that have suffered during these tragic storms throughout the Midwest.
Such heartbreak is hard for all of us to swallow, much less imagine. Thank you.
Thank you for stopping by the blog today.
What are your weekend plans? Do you have traditions for this holiday weekend? Please leave a comment letting me know!
NOW—get outside and enjoy the weekend!