Well, I wanted to give you a recap on the Beer Before Baby Party that I threw for my husband a while back. You might remember me posting a few items about it in my
{Working on it Wednesday} posts.
I was a horrible blogger and didn’t get hardly ANY photos. I was enjoying my own baby shower at a different location for the beginning of the party. Note: enlist a friend to snap pics at next party!
But, the party was successful and everyone had a really great time.
I’ll share what photos and details I did manage to get!
{Invitations & Favors}
The invitation stated that the party was an Advice Shower for my husband as well as an opening celebration of the beer my husband brewed in honor of our son.
The favors had labels designed by me with the title “Amber to Xander.”{Food Table}
The favors had labels designed by me with the title “Amber to Xander.”{Food Table}
We served small portions of “bar” food for the party. The menu included: Mac & Cheese, Rubens, Beer Sausages, Sweet Potato Fries, French Fries, Crudites and Guinness Cupcakes
For a simple activity we had guests write out their advice for my husband, a new father, on coasters. We now enjoy the coasters, and their advice, daily!
We also asked guests to bet on the vital birth information. We still have this poster up in our apartment because we enjoyed it so much.
I thought it would be fun to make special attire for this party and I was right! These shirts were easy to make with transfer paper and my printer.
My husband wouldn’t know what to do with himself if I threw him a party like that. I like to set the bar pretty low 🙂
What a cool idea! I’ll have to keep this in mind for my husband- he will like it! My sister works with your husband and sent me your blog to check out! I love it! 🙂