I took a vacation this past week. I had a wonderful time with my husband being off work all week and my sister-in-law visiting. I even threw a party and met with a
wonderful lady in preparation for another party. So, I’ve been prepping all of the great posts that I hope to be putting up this week.
I threw my hubby a 30th birthday party and planned an instagram challenge for his big day.
Instagram shot from an “Old Man” party |
I also got to enjoy the sun with my son.
Enjoying the Willamette River. |
Celebrate my husband’s first Father’s Day.
My hubby and baby enjoying Father’s Day at the Widmer Gasthaeus |
And, take my kiddo’s 10 Month photos.
It was a fun week!
this week is going to be all about prepping for the June Portland Blogger’s Meet-Up and Family Picnic. If you are from the Portland area and you blog please
e-mail me for all the fun information!
1 Comment
I love those little overalls!