Ahhh… the First Birthday. Such a weird age to throw a party for! You get the food done and the decor done and then it is like…
What is everyone going to DO?
Often a first birthday will have an array of different ages of people. Our first birthday had about 20 adults, a teenager, a 9 year old, and 5 babies! I was completely stumped for a long while trying to figure out some fun activities for everyone. Mostly everyone chatted, played with the babies, and took a lot of photos. (Common… 5 babies together, not crying, is probably one of the cutest things EVER.)
Here is what we came up with for our particular spread of people….
For the adults—
- We had lots of food and beverages. Some of those beverages were adult-only type beverages. It made the whole party go smoother in my opinion.
- Instagram/ Twitter Hastag Fun— I planned this one, but then forgot to put out the sign with the hashtag or use it myself. But, Adi’s Where the Wild Things Are party did a GREAT job with this idea!
- “I Remember When” and “Advice for your Birthday” slips for people to write memories or advice for the birthday boy. (Look for a free printable next week!)
For the Babies—
- TOYS! Put out some baby friendly toys for the kiddos. We put out several of X’s stuffed animals, cars, and wooden toys. The main event though were the yellow beach balls!
- Do a baby time with a story and some songs. If you have ever brought your kiddo to “Mommy & Me” groups, Gymboree classes, or Book Baby programs at the library then you know what I’m talking about. Pick out a few fun books to read (in excited voices with lots of movement). Break up the story time with songs that have movements. Of course, we had to sing “You Are My Sunshine!”
- Itsy Bitsy Spider Board Book Kate Toms
- You Are My Sunshine, Jimmy Davis
- I Spy the Sun in the Sky, Stella Blackstone
- The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round
- Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes
- You Are My Sunshine with alternate lyrics (see below)
- Get more songs plus movements and activities from: Sing Gymboree (30 Favorite Songs, Fingerplays, and Movement Activities)
* Photos by Motormouth Studio
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You had so many great ideas at that 1st birthday party! Loved the big blanket with toys, and the great mix of kid and adult treats!! And one other thing you did that I thought was great was the individual cake for the birthday boy, and how all eyes were on him for his special moment!
It’s a little ritual, loved how special it was!
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