You ever have one of those days where you just feel great about how you look? Well, I don’t have those days too often… but, I totally felt great about the way I looked at our January Portland Bloggers’ meet-up this past weekend. I even felt good enough to ask my friend Macey of Motormouth Studios to snap a few photos of me!

My outfit for the event was pretty simple. Black Old Navy Ankle Pants, a pink spotted H&M Tunic Tank, my favorite black kitten heels, and my Old Navy jean jacket. I didn’t even wear any jewelry! The outfit felt pulled together, yet comfortable. I could have easily have changed my jean jacket for a nice cardigan or blazer and worn the outfit to work. (None of the above links are affiliate links…. just sharing places I’ve purchased some of these items!)

Love it! You look lovely! I’ve never shopped at H&M because I wasn’t sure about the sizing, but I might need to check it out! I get so excited when I find a nice long top, it totally helps me feel more confident rocking the curves!
Sarah recently posted…We Are Mint to Be : DIY Buttermints for Valentine’s Day + Free Printable
Thanks so much! H&M is hit and miss for me… but, sometimes I find large sizes that fit me and now they have a few plus sized items as well.
Super cute outfit. I’m glad the denim jacket is cool to wear again 😉
Hahaha- I am not sure they are actually cool. I just can’t kick them. 😉
Looks cute Jenni! I totally loved that you popped up the collar on your jacket! LOL… my go to outfit is Kut from the Kloth Jeans and my flannel from American Eagle with of course purple chuck taylors! I’ve had my chucks for about 4 yrs now and totally need a new pair 🙂 And never leave the house without my silver hoops!
Hahaha- That sounds like the best outfit. I love my chucks too!
It’s a great outfit! I haven’t had luck at H&M in years, I’m impressed!
Kitten heels are actually those tiny shrunken stilettos that were most recently popular in the early-mid 2000’s… https://www.google.com/search?q=kitten+heels&espv=210&es_sm=93&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=ARTrUvjuGeWuyQHMsYCYBQ&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1920&bih=955 What you wore are sweet patent flats!
Adventures in Dressmaking recently posted…A resort wear dress – wishful thinking and Florida trip!
It is hard to tell with these little shoes… maybe because I’ve had them since 2007 or so, but they actually have a very small heel (similar to: http://www.zappos.com/isaac-mizrahi-new-york-gabriel-3-black-patent) But, whatever they are called. I love them. 🙂
Haha! That’s a perfect kitten heel, lost in the shadows, so tiny and cute!
Adventures in Dressmaking recently posted…A resort wear dress – wishful thinking and Florida trip!
You look great! This should totally be your new headshot!
Yvonne @ Dress This Nest recently posted…9 Adorable Valentine Ideas
Thank you! And, thanks for the idea… all of my headshots are changed over now. 🙂