


If you are anything like me then you are just now getting around to stuffing your stockings! Before you head out for your last minute shopping (or, hey, open your computer) check out my comprehensive 2016 Well Crafted Holiday Gift Guide!

Read on to check out my suggestions for a holiday stocking stuffed with fantastic beauty products.

This post is sponsored. All opinions and experiences are my own. As with all beauty products, read the ingredients to see if they will work for you. I only share about products I have tried and liked. 

Holiday Must Have - SpaRituals Holiday Collection - Sponsored & featured on A Well Crafted Party

“SpaRituals Holiday Vegan Gold Collection

I love nail polish. I hate buying nail polish. Which makes nail polish one of the best stocking stuffers someone can get me. The SpaRituals collection hits it out of the ballpark this season for me based on the names alone….Come Together, Take a Stand, Unite, and Rising Spirit. SO GOOD. But, even better? The coverage and staying power. Following the provided directions and using the SpaRituals top coat in addition to the color, I was able to wear the color for two weeks which is forever for me. Purchase SpaRituals online through their website, find SpaRituals on Amazon (here for the topcoat*), or use their spa locator to find a local store.

Burts Bees Mistletoe Kiss - from A Well Crafted Gift Guide (sponsored)

Burt’s Bees Mistletoe Kiss Gift Set

Get mistletoe ready with: Burt’s Pomegranate Lip Balm, Peony Lip Shimmer, Hibiscus Tinted Lip Balm. This package is perfect for a stocking or as a fun addition to your Christmas tree. See who finds it first. Purchase online or at your local Ulta.


Holiday Gift Guide - Sponsored - EVO hair products have personality and integrity and are a welcome addition to my Christmas tree! - A Well Crafted Party

evo Live Large Rad Bag

There is just something about a company that makes a great product but then goes the extra step of giving that product awesome names and packaging. Purchasing a shampoo and conditioner can also get you this rad bag. This would be a welcome addition to the holiday tree or stockings. You can purchase these online or visit their website to find local stores that carry evo hair.

From their website: “born from a desire to produce an exclusive salon range (and not sell it as the answer to life, love and other woes), evo steps outside the normal realm of truth-stretching invention in a ‘wake up and smell the coffee’ crusade of twisted honesty – designed to make people think. and so comes the catch phrase – saving ordinary humans from themselves™. inside bottles of evo that are bursting with personality, you’ll find luxurious products that are sulphate, paraben, dea, tea and propylene glycol free; products that give professional results while respecting the environment.”

Eye Makeup Removing Wipes & Face Cleansing Wipes for Christmas? Hop on over to read why on my sponsored Holiday Gift Guide - A Well Crafted Party

Kleenex Facial Cleansing Wipes* & Eye Makeup Removers*

These everyday purchases may seem like an odd thing to give as a holiday gift. But, really, they work perfectly in stockings because they allow your favorite person to try something new all wile not spending their own money. If they are already fans of these wipes then you just saved them a trip to the drug store. Seriously, that in itself is a gift! The Kleenex facial products are sold exclusively online. Pick up these wipes on Amazon (links above) or choose your favorite online retailer. Find out more about these products on the Kleenex Facial Cleansing site.

These were fantastic for getting off my stubborn eye makeup without a ton of products. Both of these are sitting up on my countertop now. The Kleenex Facial Cleansing line launched about a year ago and to celebrate they are sharing under the hashtag #WashWhatHappens. Check it out to see the wipes in action.

See more of my beauty picks for 2016…

In putting together our event guest welcome gift we were excited to be able to include a few wonderful, complimentary items from Dr. Teal’s and Nature’s Gate. All opinions are my own.For more information about my sponsored content please visit my policies page. This post contains affiliate links which are marked with an *. 

Our anniversary party was very similar to a wedding with guests coming in from other states to help celebrate. We didn’t have the opportunity to make wedding welcome baskets. (A tradition that really became popular sometime in the past 10 years after our wedding.) I love the thoughtfulness of the idea to welcome those who took the time and money to fly or drive a long distance with a small gift. So, when we invited family out to join us in celebrating I knew I wanted to have some gifts for them.

Guest Welcome Gifts

We rented a local AirBnB for my family to stay in during their stay. I didn’t want them worrying about food or toiletries when they first arrived so my guest welcome gift was put together with that in mind.

Event Guest Welcome Gift from A Well Crafted Party

I’m giving you a bit of sneak peek into the bags that were created for our anniversary party favors, but I had extras so I used it for the welcome gift as well.

What is in our welcome gift?

In the bag we put some basic groceries to help them have necessities for the first day at the AirBnB. We included some local items as well including Franz Bagels. We had cereal, milk, bagels, cream cheese, coffee, and half and half.

Event Guest Welcome Gift from A Well Crafted Party

We added in some toiletries into a box that would both help them feel more at home and also help them destress a little. Come on… family is always a little stressful wether for a wedding or a 10 year anniversary party. 😉

We included shampoo, conditioner, body wash, kids body wash, some Dr. Teal’s Body Oil* & Dr. Teal’s Body Lotion* and Nature’s Gate Sport Sunscreen*. I figured that the oil and body lotion would go a long way in de-stressing them after a long day of family fun. The sunscreen is something I’ve started to give to EVERYONE because I believe healthy skin protectants are one of the best gifts to give after going through skin cancer surgery twice now.

When AwesomeBox approached me telling me that they had the most awesome gift idea for those touching holidays and life-happenings such as Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Graduations, milestone birthdays, wedding showers, anniversaries…well, you get the idea, I wasn’t completely sold. I wasn’t even sold after using the service complimentary, until I heard EVERYONE exclaim about just how AWESOME this gift was when I recently gave it to a friend for her graduation and 30th birthday. I received an AwesomeBox and shipping in exchange for sharing my experience with you, my readers. All opinions are my own. Please check out my policies for more information on A Well Crafted Party’s sponsored content. Note: Personal images/ last names have been blurred/removed. Print quality is crystal clear and beautifully done! 

“Wow, it’s really awesome,” said my husband after looking through the gift that myself and 9 other people worked together to create for a dear friend and family member’s 30th birthday and graduation party.

It wasn’t the first time that day that I heard those words strung together and I couldn’t help but think that they certainly named the “Awesome Box” well. Recently I had the opportunity to set up and order an AwesomeBox for a friend.

What’s an AwesomeBox? Well, it really is a box full of awesome. Okay, I’ll try to refrain from using that word for the rest of the post. This neat little gift is a collaborative box of images and quotes put together in a well-designed package. The cards are 5 1/4 inches square with rounded corners. There are cards describing how many people contributed and then cards with images on one side and quotes on the other. Collaborators each upload images and quotes to build the box.

Sponsored Post: Setting up your AwesomeBox - featured on A Well Crafted Party
Choose to make the AwesomeBox by yourself or invite friends to join in on the creation. The real beauty of this gift is the opportunity to have many people pitch in to truly make the gift special.

How to create an AwesomeBox

Creating this easy, sentimental and fun gift is super easy. You simply visit, create an account and select “Start a Box.” You can then upload images and quotes for the AwsomeBox. You will also have the opportunity to invite collaborators to upload images and quotes.

Sponsored Post: AwesomeBox Editing Options
The options for editing the AwesomeBox include photos, messages, and signature.

The one draw back to the AwesomeBox in my opinion was that I didn’t get to choose the background images that were used with the photos. I like the extra control of designing an item to look a certain way. However, to be honest, I might have never finished if I chose all the extra items. This made the whole process straightforward. And, when it arrived, I was so pleased with how the box came together and looked as a whole package that I didn’t even care that I didn’t select the backgrounds.

Reasons to Like an AwesomeBox


I liked working with AwesomeBox’s website as it was easy to understand, emailed reminders out so that the box would be delivered on time and it made it fun to collaborate with others. Once it was printed and delivered I liked it even more as the quality was really top-notch and there were added cards in the box that explained what the box was and how many people came together to create the gift.


Sponsored Post: Reminders and updates on your AwesomeBox ensure you get your gift on time! Feature of an awesome gift idea on A Well Crafted Party
The AwesomeBox system will remind you when it is time to complete your AwesomeBox so that there is time to ship your gift.

Awesome Gift Idea!


I really feel like the uses for this gift idea are sort of endless. Here are some ideas I came up with:

  • Proposal Idea: How cool would this be as a proposal idea? Have friends and family upload photos and stories about your significant other into the AwesomeBox’s system. Then as the final image upload a photo of the ring or of you both as a couple and put a “Will you marry me?” message on that last card!
  • Graduation Gift: Upload photos from throughout the years with messages about what the recipient wanted to be when they grew up or perhaps stories of things achieved over the years.
  • Family Recipe Box: Have family members upload images and recipes that they love and have a beautifully curated box of family recipes printed.
  • Anniversary Box: Upload one photo for every year with a favorite memory or short paragraph of what happened that year.
  • Family Flashcards: Have a big extended family that live far away? Create family flash cards with an image of your family member of the front and some facts about the person on the back. Use the cards to help kids get to know distant family members– or hey, quiz your spouse!
  • Birthday- There are so many ideas for how to use these for birthdays. I like the idea of uploading one image for each year with a quote about what happened that year or favorite things from when the recipient was that age.
Sponsored Post: The completed AwesomeBox is beautifully packaged and thoughtfully put together.
The completed box comes with all the messages and images uploaded by those invited to the gift. It also comes with a great message explaining what the AwesomeBox is and how many people pulled together to celebrate the recipient.

What would you use your AwesomeBox for?

Thank you to AwesomeBox for letting me experience your services. Thanks to readers for supporting the companies that help make this blog happen!