
A Well Crafted Life


I don’t think I stopped for one moment this weekend. It was all fun, but I’m exhausted today!

1) Friday, during the day, I met with my new friend Chelsey, from The Paper Mama, to check out the new Microsoft Surface. We had a nice little lunch and our kids behaved amazingly as we chatted with the Microsoft person about the new tablet. I also picked up the cutest pair of pants for the kiddo from H&M (style post coming sometime soon, I’m sure!) 2) Friday evening our friends Suzannah (from Adventures in Dressmaking) and her husband Jason picked up the kiddo and brought him out while the hubby and I stayed home to prep for our Halloween party. It was weird being at our home without our son. It was also really nice to get something done! 3 &4) Saturday was all about our Halloween Party. Check out A Well Crafted Party this week to see real party posts about the event! 5 &6) Sunday I had the awesome opportunity to craft some of the items for Anthropologie’s holiday window displays! I also was lucky enough to meet up with Macey (Motormouth Studio), Abby (Cheers), and Sam (Sam Rosen).

What did YOU do this weekend?
We went to the Pumpkin Patch when X was only about two months old. We decided on that trip that the Pumpkin Patch would be a yearly tradition. This year’s trip was even more fun than last year’s trip, because the little guy was totally into it. He was amazed by everything, and everyone, around him.
Plus, I got to dress him up in a super cute hat and scarf. He is my lil’ stud.
Not sure if the clothes he is wearing are still available.
But, the links below go to the sites of the stores I purchased his clothing at!
(Hat: Old Navy, Scarf: Dollar Tree, Shirt: Target, Jacket: Old Navy, Skinny Jeans: Old Navy, Shoes: KMart)

What is your favorite Fall tradition?

I’ve been feeling down lately. Stressed. Tired. WORN OUT.

I honestly thought this was a side effect to parenthood. I have wondered on many, many occasions whether I was even cut out to be a mom if this was the way I felt. (No longer feeling that way, btw.) I went to my new doctor the other day and she gave me some suggestions to help me in the day to day and she also ordered some blood tests.

The results are in… I thankfully didn’t have diabetes or thyroid issues (two things she tested for) but, did however have low iron and very low vitamin D readings.

She said that a lot of people in the Pacific Northwest have low vitamin D levels. (Go figure… it is raining here most of the time.) I had a score of 11 when average levels begin at 50.

My doctor prescribed a whole slew of vitamins, diet change, and exercise. Hopefully, my new vitamin regime will help with the lethargic feeling I’ve been experiencing and the anxiety attacks due to feeling overwhelmed. She said said to expect a change in days!

I’m so happy to finally have a reasonable answer that has a reasonable plan to fix the ways I’ve been feeling. I had a horrible bout of Postpartum Depression around month three of becoming a parent and I was beginning to feel that it was coming back, just a little different.

Funny thing? People tell me all the time that I am getting ridiculous amounts of stuff done. But, I’m just not feeling it right now. I’m hoping to feel like my normal, over-achieving self again soon!

Have you ever been tested for a Vitamin D deficiency? How did it affect you? How did you treat it?