




Happy St. Paddy’s Day!

How are you celebrating today? Are you kissing someone Irish, wearing green, or enjoying a tasty dish of Bangers & Mash? I’ll be celebrating by whipping up a cocktail with an Irish twist!

This past winter I was sent the book Savory Cocktails by Greg Henry (affiliate link) for review. I’ve been making my way through the book getting creative with drinks such as a Perfect Martini and Salad Bowl Gin & Tonic. Enjoying the tart and refreshing combinations of herbs and liquor. As I was working on creating a cocktail in honor of St. Patrick’s Day I wanted to find something that would pair well with Irish Whiskey, so I picked up the Savory Cocktail book looking for ideas.

While I can drink a bourbon with just ice, for me Irish Whiskey has a bit more of a bite to it and I wanted something that would smooth out the flavor while keeping its notes of honey and citrus. (Not all Irish Whiskeys are the same… so, I may still discover something I can drink sans mixers.)  That is when I stumbled upon Henry’s recipe for Clove-Infused Honey Syrup… the combination is PERFECT. It is smoky, rich, smooth, and sweet.

Irish Whiskey with Honey Clove Syrup

How to make an Old Irish Cocktail:


  • 1 oz Clove-Infused Honey Syrup
  • 2 oz Irish Whiskey
  • Freshly Squeezed Juice of 1 Orange
  • 1 orange slice for garnish


  1. Combine all ingredients over ice in a rocks glass (I love my large ice cube mold for my whiskey drinks— the larger ice cubes don’t melt as fast or water down my cocktails as quickly.)
  2. Garnish with orange slice
  3. Sláinte! 

Old Irish Cocktail from A Well Crafted Party

How to Make Clove Infused Honey Syrup

Recipe from Savory Cocktails by Greg Henry shared with permission

  • 2 tbsp whole cloves
  • 1/2 cup warm water
  • 1/2 cup honey

“Place the cloves in a small, nonreactive container and lightly crush them with a wooden muddler. Add the warm water and honey; stir to combine, then cover and set at room temperature for 2 to 3 days. Taste the syrup; add more honey if you feel it is too strong.

When your syrup has the taste you want, pour it through a wire-mesh sieve lined with a double layer of damp cheesecloth; discard the solids. Store refrigerated in an airtight container for up to 1 month. Makes about 1 cup.”


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of “Savory Cocktails” for purposes of review. All thoughts and opinions above are my own. I’ve also included affiliate links in this post. Items purchased from affiliate links help this blogger earn a small percentage of the sale. Thank you for supporting this blog.

Disclaimer: I received a complementary happy hour and cocktail instruction from Aviary Restaurant in SE Portland for review purposes. I was not otherwise compensated. Check out my review of the Aviary Happy Hour.

at-home-version of the Brix Layer Cocktail
Photo created from a photo taken by Bee of  The Spicy Bee

While enjoying several tasty dishes and cocktails at Aviary’s Happy Hour last week the barman Russ Hunsinger shared how he came up with one of Aviary’s most popular cocktails, the Brix Layer. Not only did he share his inspiration and thoughts behind the tasty concoction, but he pulled together a make shift bar in the dining room and showed us how to make it!

Russ came up with the drink while hanging out with friends, drinking Cabernet. He really wanted to figure out a way to create a cocktail that utilized the wine. He started off using a basic old fashioned recipe and working from there. The layering of the drink happened naturally and changes with the type of whiskey or cab used.

This recipe is only an approximation of the awesomeness we tasted at Aviary. But, I wanted to share with those of you that didn’t live in the Portland area and just have to schedule a trip to Aviary in to a future visit to our lovely city.

BrixLayer Ingredients

orange, cherry, bitters in glass

Muddle Well

sitr it up

fished product

Ingredients for the At-Home-Version of The Brix Layer:

  • 1 slice of orange
  • A few Parisian Brandied Cherries (Affiliate Link)
  • 1 Sugar Cube
  • 8 dashes of angostura aromatic bitters (Affiliate Link)
  • 2 oz House Sour*
  • 2 oz Buffalo Trace Bourbon
  • 3/4 oz Cabernet Sauvignon
  • Tools: ice, mixing tin, muddler, strainer, stirring spoon, large cocktail glass

*You can use any sour really, but the Aviary House Sour is made with lemon, lime, orange juice, and sugar. So, to get a similar taste you should use a homemade fresh sour that has orange juice in it. Try out this sweet-and-sour recipe from Baked Bree.

Directions for the At-Home-Version of The Brix Layer:

  1. In a mixing tin put one slice of orange, a few Parisian brandied cherries, 1 sugar cube and 8 dashes of bitters
  2. Muddle all ingredients in tin VERY WELL, releasing all of the oils and juices in the orange
  3. Add 2 oz of sour to the mixing tin
  4. Add 2 oz of Buffalo Trace Bourbon (or your favorite bourbon) to the tin
  5. Add ice to the tin and STIR with spoon
  6. Double strain the mixture into the cocktail glass
  7. Using the spoon (as in video below) to slow your pour, pour the 3/4 oz of Cabernet into the cocktail glass
  8. DRINK!
[youtube id=”RP_ibSlCRPo” width=”600″ height=”340″ position=”left”]
CHEERS! (My friend Bee with her Brix Layer cocktail!)
CHEERS! (My friend Bee with her Brix Layer cocktail!)

Gin and Basil Cocktail

Gin and Summer go hand in hand in my book. This simple and refreshing cocktail is perfect for a hot summer evening. Make it in single servings or mix it up in a batch to serve a crowd. I recently made a batch of this to serve at my husband’s Farm to Table Birthday Party. I also made a batch of Fruity Whiskey Collins. The two drinks went FAST and were perfect for an evening celebrating out in the garden and backyard.

Simple, Refreshing Gin and Basil Cocktail Recipe:

Gin and Basil Cocktail Ingredients

Gin and Basil Cocktail for one


  •  2 oz of your favorite Gin
  •  1 oz of Lemon Juice (approximately 1 lemon)
  • 1 oz of Basil Simple Syrup
  • 4 oz soda water
  • ice
  • glass (at least 8 oz glass)
  • stirring spoon
  • garnish of Basil


  1. Pour 2 oz of Gin, 1 oz of Lemon Juice, 1 oz of Basil Simple Syrup, and 4 oz of soda water over ice in a tall glass.
  2. Stir
  3. Garnish with Basil leaf
  4. Enjoy!

Gin and Basil Cocktail

Gin and Basil Cocktail for Eight


  •  16 oz of your favorite Gin
  •  8 oz of Lemon Juice (approximately 8 lemons)
  • 8 oz of Basil Simple Syrup
  • pitcher (at least 32 oz)
  • stirring spoon
  • Soda Water to be used at time of serving)
  • Measuring cup for 4oz (1/2 cup)
  • glassware, ice, stirring spoons, instructions sign and garnish of Basil for guests to make their own.


  1. Pour 16 oz of Gin, 8 oz of Lemon Juice, and 8 oz of Basil Simple Syrup into a pitcher
  2. Stir
  3. Set out with sign, glasses, stirring spoons, ice, measuring cup and soda water so guests can make their own.
  4. Pour 4 oz of the mixture over ice, top with soda water, stir, garnish with Basil and enjoy!