


Mmmm… is there anything better than the flavors of apples and spices together? Why, yes…there is! Add tequila! 😉 I typically enjoy rum with my apple cider. But, after I saw How Sweet It Is put out a delicious looking Apple Cider Margarita, I knew I would have to try something different. (BTW– one of my favorite food blogs!)

The Apple Cider Margarita was a HUGE hit last thanksgiving as everyone mingled and snacked before the big meal.

I had to use some items that I had on hand, so my drink is a tad different. It was super delicious though. Please let me know what you think if you try it!

Last Thanksgiving I had the distinct pleasure of drinking for the first time in nearly a year. I made my plans with pumping/dumping/timing so that I wouldn’t have to worry about nursing my son and created two delicious cocktails for the hour before Thanksgiving dinner. They were AMAZING. I wanted to share these delicious cocktails with you just in case you wanted to make some for your holiday celebrations.

The first of these cocktails combines my favorite thing about the fall (Smores, Roasted Marshmallows!), my favorite flavor (Chocolate!), and alcohol.