

So, you’ve seen the party prep in past posts…. with no further ado:A Mad Tea Party Pt. 1: Decor
Halloween 2010

The Queen of Heart’s Bar

Our Front Door
The Bar
The bar backdrop was a wave of cards
Pink flamingo pics for the martinis


It’s Tea Time!
The Tea took place in the middle of Wonderland


Moss runners, stacked pedestals, tea pots and cups created the tablescapes
We served traditional tea sandwiches and tea party food during cocktail hour

thank you so much for stopping by!
I hope you enjoyed part one of our Halloween party!

Keep your fingers crossed for me… I’m entering this party in:

Entertain Exchange

Happy Halloween!
I hope your holiday weekend is going well… ours certainly was a hit! We enjoyed a fabulous Mad Tea Party last night and a fun filled brunch with friends this morning. 🙂 
Tomorrow I’ll post the rest of the details from our Halloween party fun…
but, for today I thought I’d give you a small taste of the incredible costumes from the party.
My husband… The March Hare
 I made my husband’s costume this year to go along with the Alice in Wonderland theme.
As with most things I do… this was DIY. 
First we went to Goodwill and bought a ridiculous jacket, tie and vest. 
We added a very old pair of dress slacks and socks to the outfit. We also just chose a hat from his collection that he doesn’t wear very often (just in case I ruined it).
He wore one of his regular work shirts under it all (he must have been so hot in all of those layers!) 
After obtaining the items all we had to do is buy 1/4 of a yard of fake fur from the local fabric store.
Using the fur I cut bunny ears out and sewed right sides together. I added in a bit of stuffing in both ears and a little bit of wire in the other ear to get it to stand straight up. I attached the ears to the hat with safety pins and a few stitches. I took small pieces of the fake fur and attached them on both the jacket and pants (as if they were worn so often that holes were made). I also made cuffs for the jacket.. I’m thinking we’ll have to have him use it again and go as the Teen Wolf!
I then sewed the fake fur onto socks to make them look like little bunny feet. We weren’t leaving the house so he was happy to not need to wear shoes. Lastly, I used the rest of the fake fur to create a tail for the Hare. I hot glued the fur onto an old name tag and we pinned it on his tail end. 
It really made the outfit!
The finishing touches included a latex nose, face paint and whiskers.
We attached the latex nose and broom bristles (the whiskers) to his face with spirit gum.
Me, as Alice, and my March Hare
This costume is being entered in:

Entertain Exchange

I’m devoting this entire Friday Find post
(and part of my weekend)
to this incredibly fun project
Have you been “Boo’d” yet this year?


I won’t tell you EVERYTHING about what it means to be Boo’d… (you’ll have to check out TomKat’s original post or Finding My Aloha’s instructional post). But, I will tell you that it looks like a TON of fun. Basically, it is a great way to show the holiday spirit around the neighborhood with little treats and tags that read, “You’ve Been Booed!” After being “Boo’d” a sign is posted on the door that reads, “I’ve Been Booed!” I can just a whole neighborhood really getting into this and having a blast. Find the ADORABLE “Booed” printables (with instructions) to download for FREE at TomKat’s website.

So, if you live in my neighborhood BEWARE….
you might just be Boo’d this weekend!
I must apologize for the use of “boo’d” and “booed” intermittently throughout the post. I can’t decide which is right and while my husband votes for “Booed” I prefer “Boo’d”. I guess they both work fine. 🙂