

Okay, so… I LOVE the holidays. But, as I used to work in retail, Christmas music playing on the overhead makes me cringe before Thanksgiving.
I mean… it was October when I first heard the music this year for goodness sakes.
So, I’m going to go ahead and be with Nordstrom and keep
Christmas from the blog until November 27.
But, then…
check back often, because I have some fun things happening this December on the blog!
(Don’t take it wrong if you’re already featuring Christmas on your blogs. 
Believe me, I’m reading them and pinning ideas away!)
Thankfully, there is a TON of inspiration out there for this year’s Thanksgiving festivites.Thanksgiving Goodies I’ve been Finding:

Via Cottage and Vine Etsy Shop

1. I think burlap looks amazing on festive Fall tablescapes.
These placemats from Cottage and Vine look devine! And, if it is too late to get these you could immitate the look by cutting burlap placemats for your dinner guests.

2. Babble has a nice round up of 14 Thanksgiving Printables.

3. Did you know that Pottery Barn has a Design Studio website with tips on entertaining?
I didn’t until recently and I am addicted!
Check out these great tips on how to make a successful kids table for your Thanksgiving feast.

Via Twinkle and Twine

4. Twinkle and Twine has a fantastic tutorail on how to make reusable, felt multi-use bunting by creating several felt letters that will spell different things. So smart and the instructions make it so easy.

5. I’ve recently dicovered How Sweet It Is and the amazing recipes on it. I think this Apple Cider Margarita and Sweet Potato pie will both be making an appearance at this year’s Thanksgiving.

Happy Friday everyone!