At the end of last year I made a decision about this blog.
I love writing about parties. But, creating a week’s worth of content for this blog is a lot of work. And, it gets expensive. Also, I have a lot of other interests.
My newest interest being becoming and learning how to be a mom.
I feel like this blog should remain a blog about parties
(hello, it is in the title!)
but, I don’t want to just write about parties anymore.
So, I started a NEW BLOG.
Introducing Leave the Laundry for Later.
A few things about Leave the Laundry for Later:
1. I created this blog after realizing that I had so much more to talk about than parties and I wanted to explore those topics without alienating my party blog followers.
2. I came up with the name of the blog in a 2 AM feeding stupor. I walked past a room in my house that had been taken over by laundry and the name just popped into my head. I love the idea of “Leave the Laundry for Later” not because I hate doing laundry, but because I feel there are a lot more important things to do in life.
3. I have sourced several articles that I feel work in this blog’s description from my other blog.
Mainly because I feel that readers of this site might enjoy them and may not want to dig through the posts on my other site.
Repetition of posts will not happen from December 1, 2011 on.
4. I am also adding posts that are post-dated back to my pregnancy (from journal entries and photos) so that I have a good record of that time in my life and so that I can share with other moms and moms-to-be.
5. This is NOT just a mom blog. This will be my platform to write about life (other than parties) including: creative endeavors, fashion, DIY projects, cooking, health and more.
Leave the Laundry for Later: Photo a Day Challenge
Leave the Laundry for Later: Xander’s Birth Story
Leave the Laundry for Later: Outfit Posts
What it means for A Well Crafted Party:
I still plan on posting over here at A Well Crafted Party…. but, they may not be frequent. They will however focus on parties for all of my loyal event-loving readers.
For all my readers that LOVED {Mommy Monday} posts, my occasional weekend updates, pictures of cute babies, everyday recipes or outfit posts…
please pop over to Leave the Laundry for Later and give me a read/follow/comment!