

*This post originally was published on A Well Crafted Party.*

Last week our little family took our first trip back home since the little guy was born. I had been fairly stressed out about the idea of flying with an infant… but, it went surprisingly well!

So, I gathered up some tips that we used and wanted to share them with you!
 (Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. I’m not a mom of many. The following tips and suggestions are merely from my limited experience!)
  • Pack extra outfits for your carry-on and in your luggage. Spit up and blown out diapers are going to happen… so, pack an extra outfit (or two) for the little one and a change of shirts for you and your partner. Thankfully we didn’t need to use these on our trip to Oklahoma, but we did use his change of clothes on the trip back home. 
  • Utilize Gallon Zip Lock Bags… I packed each of my little one’s outfits in their own zip lock bag. At first I felt incredibly wasteful, but when trying to grab his outfits on the fly while out and about this worked out fabulously. The tiny clothes would have been completely lost in the midst of all our clothing and accessories. And, I even avoided being wasteful… the gallon bags are now put away in his dresser so I can use them on the next trip!
  • Pack extra wipes and diapers -OR- mail them to your location beforehand! We use gDiapers so we didn’t really need to pack extra diapers. But, we went through many more wipes than we had anticipated and ended up needing to go purchase more while in Oklahoma. If you are going somewhere and you don’t know if they will have your brand of diapers or wipes then plan ahead and bring them or mail them!
  • Nurse, Nurse, NURSE! (If you breastfeed.) We nursed on the take-off, in the middle of the flight and then again at the landing. The feedings helped to calm our little guy and prevent pressure from building in his little noggin’. Oh, and there is just something about breast milk that knocks my little guy out so he slept almost the entire trip! On our shorter flight we used his pacifier during take-off and nursed during the landing. 
  • If you can afford to buy a seat then do so and bring along your car seat! We couldn’t afford to buy the little guy his own seat, but we brought the car seat to check at the gate. On one of our flights they had extra space and allowed us to bring the seat on-board… it was AMAZING. While I did hold him during much of the flight, it was great to have a place to sit him down for a little bit. On the flight where we didn’t have the seat my arms got incredibly tired and I got no rest at all. 
  • If you have the option try to sit near the back of the plane (or hey, FIRST CLASS would be nice) and on the side with only two seats. Our first flight we were near the back right next to the restrooms and sitting by ourselves so we didn’t need to continually ask someone to get up so we could take him to change his diaper. On our flight back we were sitting next to someone and felt bad for the inconvenience we were causing him. (Although, I have to say that we lucked out and had the NICEST guy in the world sitting next to us!)
  • Give gifts! Now, this is not a necessity…but, we did this and it was a hit! I saw THESE free printables on Creative Party Ideas by Cheryl and thought the idea was fabulous. Basically, the idea is that you give out small gifts to the people around you on the plane as a way to sweeten their ride with a little one. I made my own printables and attached them to bags full of gum, candy and earplugs. The other passengers LOVED them! 

 While Traveling:
  • Have a nice quiet refuge in mind throughout your trip just in case your little one gets over-stimulated. At most of the events we attended and houses we visited we made sure we had a nice quiet place to bring our little guy just in case it was all getting too much. When he seemed really over-stimulated we went to the quiet place, nursed, and then let him rest for a while before bringing him back out. 
  • Be careful of how many people you let handle your little one… and, not just to avoid colds. We were slightly worried about how many people might want to hold our little guy because were didn’t want him getting sick. We handed out the sanitizer and limited his handling some… but, what we discovered later is that our little guy seemed to be hurting after a long day of being passed amongst loving family members. Then someone with many kiddos suggested that he was sore from being handled so much. After a dose of pain killer he was a much happier baby and the rest of the trip we limited how often he changed hands.
Best advice I have… be FLEXIBLE with your plans and relish your first trip together!
If you like the above gifts and would like to make some of your own check out the printables made by I will try getting my printables up shortly… but, if you are seeing this and need some soon please e-mail me and I will send them to you!

I’m really sorry about not getting posts up. 
In all honesty I’ve been really struggling with this being a mom thing. 
Don’t get me wrong.. I love it and I love my little guy, but it is HARD.
I don’t know if my little one has colic or is just having several growth spurts. 
He’ll be great some days and I’ll get the house cleaned, posts written, dinner done and start making plans for the future. 
Then, other days (like the past couple) he cries all the time. And, I mean ALL the time. We are assuming they are growth spurts because he is also hungry all the time on these crazy crying days. 
But, he is lovely and healthy so I am very thankful (even if he can rival me in screaming volume). 
But, enough excuses… onto the projects!
Etsy Shop
I know I’ve said it before, but I think it may actually happen this time. I should have my Etsy shop up with handmade party supplies by the end of October. I’ve been gathering inspiration, making lists, and collecting supplies over the past few months. I will be starting production THIS weekend! 
Is there anything in particular that you would like to see in the shop?
What type of party supplies do you look for when shopping Etsy?
Another Blog
Are you asking yourself, “Really!?! She can barely handle this blog!”
Well, you’re right… this is something in the long term project file. But, my {Mommy Monday} posts have been fairly popular and have (at times) received more comments and page views that my other posts. That is really exciting for me and I LOVE talking about being a mom. But, this is a party blog and I would like to keep its focus on parties. So, I am thinking about starting another blog that focuses on being a mom and more about my personal life.  

I’m completely stumped on a blog name…. suggestions?
Would you read a blog that was more about being a mom or do you think you’d just stick with the party blog?
If you can’t tell from previous posts… I love Halloween.
It is my holiday to throw a party EVERY year. 
Three years ago I threw a Haunted Halloween Dinner
Two years ago I threw a Bewitching Ball.
Last year we had a Mad Tea Party
  Plans are now in the works for a Spirited Cocktail Party.
I’m currently pinning away Halloween ideas and beginning my menu planning. 
(Getting the newest Martha Stewart Halloween magazine sure did help get the process going!)
What are you doing for Halloween?
Do you have any suggestions for a 
“Spirited” Halloween Cocktail Party?
A Portland Blogger’s Meet-Up 
I read a LOT of blogs daily. 
Several of the bloggers that I read happen to live in Portland (where I reside). Some of these people I’ve been following their blogs for so long I feel like I know them better than my own RL friends. 
Weird, huh?
I’ve been thinking about the possibility of meeting a few of these bloggers IRL, but don’t want to come off as a stalker. Recently reading THIS POST from The Little Things We Do has inspired me to try to get a Portland Blogger Meet-Up organized.
Have you been a part of a blogger’s meet-up of some sort? If so, what did you do? 
 Are you a Portland Blogger who would like to be a part of this? If so, when would be a good time/place to meet? E-mail me!

As always… thank you for reading and sticking with the blog even with my recent sporadic posting. I’d love it if you would take the time to help me with my projects by answering some of the above questions.
And, if you have a project you need help on… 
feel free to tell me all about it!
“When in Doubt, Go to the Library”
from Harry Potter book 2
The quote above was one that helped to inspire the Library themed birthday party I recently threw for a friend who is studying to be a librarian. I posted inspiration for the party on a couple of different {Working on it Wednesday} posts. As I was pretty far in my pregnancy I did not create tutorials for many of the DIY projects in this party…. but, I will link to similar tutorials when possible and if there is something you see that I didn’t explain and you want to know more about it just leave me a comment!
The Invitation
The Dessert Table
The Sweets
The Cake

Centerpiece and Gift

Decor— We wanted to keep things fairly simple, yet still bring the library theme throughout the party so we used book pages and printables to decorate. I was given a few books that had water damage to deconstruct for the party. It was difficult to take them apart, but it helped that I knew the books were destined for the recycle bin otherwise. I used the pages for the table runner, paper fans, several strings of bunting and for the above mobile. I created the mobile without a tutorial, but with inspiration from an Etsy store.

Food— I decided to have desserts be the main attraction for the party. I served the desserts with wine, coffee and water. Desserts included: a layered birthday cake; chocolate mousse filled chocolate cups topped with a raspberry; “Shh-Kabobs” of angel food cake and strawberries with a dark chocolate drizzle; berry macaroons; marshmallow pops; cheesecake filled strawberries (not pictured); and lemon cake pops. I gave the desserts “literary” names and printed them with the same image from the invitation. 

The birthday cake was my first try at making a multi-colored layered cake. The colored layers came out beautifully and was quite nice to cut into…. I wanted to frost the cake using the ruffle technique, but at the last minute realized I lacked the proper frosting tip. I ended up using a round tip and feel like the tip, along with the frosting color, made the cake look like a brain rather than a pretty ruffled treat.

I hope you enjoyed the pictures from the party!