

Last week was my first week to participate in Fill in the Blank Friday from Lauren of The Little Things We Do.
Check out her ORIGINAL post here and link up your own Fill in the Blank Friday. 
I’m going to go ahead and continue it because I think it is a fun way to let you in on me and my world. 
I’d love to read your answers to these blanks in the comments!! 
Or if you are linking yours up go ahead and put the link in my comments as well!
I want to know you too!
Photo Source & Drink Image is from Coeur de La
1.   My go to outfit for a dress-up occasion like a wedding is  a cocktail dress in a bright color. I usually try my best not to do a wedding color and instead try to do something that won’t clash with the wedding colors. I did not succeed at my brother’s wedding… I was going for a peachy pink and ended up with a color that matched the bridesmaids! It was still a happy day though because I gained a beautiful new sister! 


2.  This week has been kind of boring. It was my first week off work and I planned on getting a lot done. I did get some things done (including cooking and freezing 9 different dinners for after the baby gets here) but, I still have a ton to do!

3.  When it’s dinnertime and I’m feeling lazy I’ll usually eat at a restaurant. I’m horrible at eating out too much and lazy has been my middle name of late! This week I’ve been really good though and prepped a HUGE salad at the beginning of the week and grilled up some chicken breasts to top it with. So, now everyday at lunch I grab some salad, chicken and a dressing and have a nice healthy (and easy) lunch!

4.  My favorite pair of shoes is any that I can still currently fit in!

5.  A random item that I own that is completely unnecessary, but that I could never part with is my Martha Stewart collection. Yes, it is all on the internet nowadays… but, I just can’t bring myself to part with my many (and I mean MANY) issues of Martha Stewart Living, Blueprint and Martha Stewart Weddings.

6.  My favorite person is my husband. Not joking… we even say it all the time since we were dating. 
“You’re my favorite.”
“Your favorite what?”
“My favorite everything.” 
7.  If I were going to write my own blank it would say? 
My goal for today is to clean my kitchen, spend a nice evening with my husband and enjoy some sun out at the pool with a friend!  

Have a great weekend!
First week off work and I managed to not do a thing productive. 
Not exactly what I was going for….
but, I have been really enjoying it! 
One of the many things I have been doing is reading a ton of blogs. 
Today’s {Friday Finds} is all about the fun things I’ve been finding and enjoying out there in blogland. Maybe you’ll find something pretty to inspire you for your next event, 
evening out or even just a simple soiree.
  • The girls of eighteen25 have changed my blog reading life! I’m always reading blogs on my phone and saving posts with “STARS” when I want to comment, blog about, or “pin” an item I saw (it is difficult to do from my phone). But, then when I am in my reader I am constantly needing to open tabs to see each post. Not anymore! A simple tutorial has made it super easy for me to travel through my many subscriptions on their actual webpages. If you use Google Reader then you should check out their page!
  • Hank & Hunt is a member of TWIPS (an online community for people in the wedding industry) and they recently redesigned their website. I seriously JUST discovered this site and am already in love with the new DIY area! Plus, look at the beautiful design of the website!
  •  Our City Lights is currently participating in The August Break (an idea from Susanna Conway)— If I had known about this BEFORE setting up some posts already for this month I would have totally done this the entire month of August! But, instead I’m going to be doing this sort of in and out this month. Days I don’t have posts lined up (or am feeling incredibly lazy, pregnant or exhausted from new baby) I will participate in The August Break and leave up a photo on the blog for my post that day. 
Oh, and because I can’t let you forget 
that I am actually writing a blog devoted to parties…
here are some parties that have really inspired me of late:
  • A Happy Modern Housewarming Brunch featured on Hostess with the Mostess— I LOVE the use of the egg printable throughout the party and the cute, punny sayings!
  • Jenny from Hank & Hunt did a guest post over at Lovely Little Details that included her list (and some pretty amazing pics) of her “fete closet” supplies. I love the products she has included and own many of the same items in my own party closet!
  •  This Princess, Pink, Pinwheels, Pandemonium Party makes me SMILE. The name alone is awesome.
  • I love garland… and I love garland that can be reused and easily stored EVEN more. So, I’m loving this tutorial from Ashley Anne’s Under the Sycamore for an ombre colored garland made out of a bed sheet!
I hope you came across something new and fun while looking through these Finds! If you’ve found anything in Blog Land recently that you think I might like please link it in the comment section!
Happy Weekend! 
    First off, THANK YOU 
    to all of you who commented on my last {Mommy Monday} post!
    I loved reading each and every comment and birth story.
    *It warmed my heart.*
    It was refreshing to see how different, yet similar, every story is… 
    and it reminded me yet again that the main goal in all of this is to see a healthy baby boy in the end!  
    I’ve been super busy this past week. 
    • We finished our birthing classes (pretty much awesome) and feel so much more confident about birth and bringing home a newborn. Our class was taught by a Portland area Doula. Check out her website if you are interested in talking with/hiring a Doula in the area because she was seriously awesome, informative and comforting.
    • We finalized our birth plan… and, my midwife said it was the best she’s seen so far! (Toot my own horn a bit here!) I feel so much more comfortable about our options.
    • I had my last day at work for the next three months. This is both a blessing and a bit of a stress because I will not have my income for a while and this is something of a concern for us as a family. I’m trusting that things come together and I am working on cutting back and crunching numbers. But, it is a blessing for me physically… I just can’t handle 7+ hours a day on my feet anymore!
    • I started working on a set of freezer meals for the week or so after delivery. Each night while I cook dinner I make a second batch for the freezer. If anyone is interested in recipes/tutorials regarding this then please let me know and I’ll put it on the blog!
    • We took maternity photos! This was a lot of fun… because of me not working we really couldn’t afford to hire a professional photographer. The money just really needs to go towards the necessities right now… but, I really wanted some fun photographs of us in this time and of course I’ll want some of the baby when he is born. Thankfully I have very talented (and generous) friends. So, we spent yesterday having our photograph taken in various Portland locations. I was lucky enough to receive a sneak peek of one or two of the photos that my friend Ryan took and am looking forward to seeing the photos from my friend Joan. I can’t wait and can’t thank my lovely friends enough!
    38 Weeks!
    He will be a dad soon!
    We already love the little guy.