


Okay, I’m having trouble… I’m so busy with things that I CANNOT WAIT TO ANNOUNCE that I’ve had a lot of trouble getting inspired for anything else. Which, if you haven’t been able to tell, has really impacted my blogging.

I just finished having a wonderful visit with my in-laws and am about to leave for a weekend getaway on the Oregon coast. This weekend is a much needed break for me and will be a ton of fun because it is for a dear friend’s 30th birthday!

The Oregon coast is cold throughout most of the year and in January it is sure to be FREEZING. So, we found a lovely little rental that has beautiful views and a fireplace so we can enjoy a cozy weekend near a beautiful ocean. I’m hoping to be inspired… and, to help with the inspiration I plan on bringing a few tools.

Number One: My Sketchbook

I’ve been incredibly inspired by the drawings and ideas coming from Alisa Burke: Redefine Creativity

While her blog alone is inspiration… recently I’ve been obsessed with the lovely images found in her sketchbook. It has really inspired me to start my sketchbook again. In the past I haven’t been able to do anything without sketching it out first, but I’ve really gotten out of the habit and feel that maybe it has a lot to do with why I’ve been failing to become inspired. Now, if using a sketchbook is something you’d love to do but have no idea how to start or keep up then head over to Alisa’s blog ASAP! Not only is she giving an online class, but she is also having a giveaway for three free spots in the class!

Image of Alisa Burke’s Sketchbook
 Number Two: My Camera

I have a terrible camera… but, I still love taking photos. Photos inspire me in so many ways. Heck, just taking photos inspires me. When I really want some beautiful images I bring my wonderful film camera, but it is expensive and bulky. So, until I get the wonderful DSLR that I want I have to make do with my little point and shoot.

Now, if you already have that DSLR but are still not getting the shots you want… then check out Under the Sycamore a beautiful blog with photographer Ashley Ann.

If you live in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area you have the option of signing up for her class “SnapShots: Beginner DSLR Photography Workshops” to learn how to use that fancy new camera. And, if you don’t live in the Tulsa area and just want some great tips check out her SnapShops category on her blog.

Photo from Ashley Ann Photography
Three: My Friend Alicia 

Now, if you had a friend that studied to be a chef and is testing out all kinds of recipes for her new blog… wouldn’t you bring her along if you could!?

The Sweet Smith is a new blog about food. 🙂 She is sharing all kinds of fun recipes, techniques and ideas. It is just getting started which means there is so many new recipes to be tested by all her friends. (That includes me.)  I know for a fact that she is bringing cupcakes on this trip and I can’t wait to try them. So, I plan on being very inspired by the tasty treats and good times of this weekend.

Weekend Reader’s Question: What inspires you and how do you pump those inspirational juices?

Twenty Ten was an eventful year for me. I started this year working really hard towards a goal of moving up in the company at which I work. I was traveling with the company doing hiring and training. And, while I loved that part of the job I hated being away from home and hated coming back to the every day grind of the job. The longer I waited for the position I wanted the more I realized that the position was not for me. I guess that all the comments from people telling me that I needed to be in the event planning field finally got through my thick skull. So, in April 2010 I decided to step down from my role in my company and instead step into the event styling field slowly with this blog.

A Well Crafted Party’s First Post, “Let’s Party” was published on April 26, 2010.

I fell in love with the idea behind the name “A Well Crafted Party.” I really love crafts and creating items with my hands (or computer). And, I really love parties. I thought the whole idea fit me and my goal to a T.

Since that first post in April the blog has grown to have 30 followers, 136 Facebook Fans and over 11,000 page views. While I know that might seem small to some bloggers out there I am overwhelmed with excitement… I never thought the blog could go this far! It makes me really want to continue to create and share on the blog. It makes me want to improve and expand! Thank you so much to each of you lovely readers. I hope that some of these past 90 posts have inspired you in some way. I would LOVE to hear any feedback you may have for me and the blog.

To look back on this year a bit I thought I’d put together a few of my own “TOP of 2010” lists.

Top Posts of 2010
based on page views
1. Free Printables: Mini Cupcake Toppers 
Top Blog Moments of 2010
based on my own personal memory in no particular order

1. Having one of my parties being featured as one of 
Catch My Party’s Favorite Parties of the Year!!!
My Viva Las Vegas Party is one of 24 amazing parties being featured over at Catch My Party’s Blog
I feel honored to be included and as always… I love the Catch My Party site! 

in the category of Halloween Parties—All Ages.  My “Mad Tea Party” won the prize!
This was my first contest to enter for one of my parties and it was so much fun!
3. Having a wedding I styled and a tutorial featured on Eat Drink Pretty.
It was such an amazing feeling to have one of my favorite blogs feature my work!
4. Having several of my parties featured on Catch My Party
This party hosting site has been such an inspiration to me and I have been super
excited to see several of my parties featured on either the front page or blog. 
If you haven’t checked them out yet… now is the time!
5. Hitting 100 Facebook fans (now 136 and counting)! 
I was so very excited to see so many new faces now following the blog. 
I’m glad you are here! 
 Now…for 2011

The past few weeks I’ve been working very hard on a few projects that will have to stay under the hat for a bit. I’m over the moon about the changes and opportunities for me and this blog that will be happening in 2011. I can’t do it without YOU… so, please leave me comments or e-mail me about things you like, want to see more of, could see less of… etc.

A Few Resolutions:
When I was younger I would write one resolution for every year I have been alive. I’m too old for that now… It would take forever to remember what the resolutions were much less keep to them! So, I just want to leave a couple resolutions I have for this blog:

1. A Blog Redesign!!! I’m not happy with the way the blog looks right now. I was super proud when I FINALLY finished all the elements, but that was for the start of a small project.
I want to give the blog design a much needed makeover and the attention it deserves.
2. To finally take the final step into the Event Styling field and opening my own shop. I am in the process of creating product and preparing myself for the legal side of owning my own small (very small) business. This has been taking up most of my brain the past few months… 
I hope to see it through this year!
 3. Create more tutorials for do-it-yourself projects and more free printables. Those are things I look for in other blogs (along with inspiration) and I hope to provide more of those things for my readers.

Happy New Year to you all! 
Thank you for reading A Well Crafted Party! 
—Always, Jenni   

Inspired by the party dresses I posted a while ago, the lack of money in my bank and two blogs I just discovered I decided to make my dress this year for my birthday/holidays. And, because I didn’t take photos of the process I decided to draw you some pictures of the entire crazy process.

Not feeling my best I spent my morning surfing the blogosphere and searching for affordable dresses on-line. While searching I came across “Yours Mine Ours: Sharing our Freepiled Home and Wardrobe” and  “Chic Steals”— Two fantastic blogs that cover all kinds of fun ideas for re-purposing clothing. I literally spent all morning looking at these sites and getting ideas for my own dress.
So, I then took the time to measure myself and draw out some design ideas.
Notice my “Math Face” as I try to figure out how to make my measurements into a pattern.
I actually did take a picture of this part of the process. I then had to figure out what fabric to use. I looked through all my fabric and was becoming disappointed when I remembered a thin tablecloth I had made for some previous parties that I couldn’t use anymore because of the wine stain on it. 
I figured I could cut around the wine stain and it would make a pretty dress.
Next, I cut the pieces out!
Then came the sewing… this party included ruffles and creating 27 hand rolled roses. 
It took FOREVER! But, I really liked the end product. 
I plan to not do ruffles again for awhile now… they turned out cute but sewing them on to the dress ended up really challenging my sewing ability.

Hand rolled flowers (and one really bad seam just so you know it was made by hand)

More hand rolled flowers

The whole dress
Happy Holidays from me and my hubby!