

While searching for items for Holiday Gift Guide I found several items that belonged on my personal wish list. So, I figured I’d share… and if anyone (Brian, I’m looking at you) happened to get the hint it might make a girl smile. 🙂
Honestly, anything on the “Hot Hostess” or “Closet Crafter” lists would be on my wishlist. I’m a little bit of a party and craftaholic. Craft items and little appetizer plates would make wonderful stuffing for a stocking. And man would a silhouette look pretty under my tree.
So, other than sugar plums here are the items I’m dreaming about this holiday. (And, well, year round.)

  • Any and all Martha Stewart craft gear is very welcome in my stocking like the scallop circle punch, large circle cutter, marker set and GLITTER!
  • All warm weather gear is needed for the Portland winter. I love these fingerless gloves with mitten tops from Target. I also really like all the really LONG fingerless gloves around now.
  • Accessories are the way to my heart! I love jewelry. I don’t like spending a lot of money on it because I switch between favorite pieces so very often. Which is why I love the fun costume jewelry found at Forever21.
  • It might seem slightly odd but I would love to find a stocking full of envelopes, papers, stamps and other basic stationery goodies. The Paper-Source is one of my favorite places to find paper.
  • Etsy is another place to find a plethora of Jenni loved items. I really like this headband from Love Stitched and this beautiful stocking.

  • I try to buy a new coat/jacket every year (you need them in this rainy city) and I have fallen head over heels for this ruffled coat from Ruche.
  • Shabby Apple makes the most amazingly beautiful dresses that don’t show a ton of skin. I’m particularly fond of the Red Fox number and black and white dress called Ingrid. (Sigh…)
  • This sparkly dress from Ruche is already taking first place for New Year’s dresses.
  • Books are always the way to go with me and I happen to like craft centered ones. Right now I am really into sewing so Sew U and Sew Liberated are at the top of my list.
  • I’m really, really into ruffles right now. I want a ruffled bedspread, skirt and this amazing shower curtain from Urban Outfitters.
  • Shoes make pretty awesome presents because they don’t vary in size quite as much as women clothing. I am really into these canvas wedges from Ruche. (Can you tell I like this site!?!)
  • Oh, and the fabric!?! I really just would like to have some more fun fabrics to choose from when having fun creating stuff. Possibly in 3-5 yard bundles. (Image)

Happy Holiday’s everyone… I hope you are having fun putting together your own personal wish lists, as well as trying to come up with great gifts for those you love. 
While there is quite a bit on my list, I do find it very important to remember that while it is fun to give and get it isn’t always about buying stuff. 
This year my husband and I are trying to make as many gifts as possible or to help put the final touches on gifts we are buying people. So, consider this my last post about purchasing and look forward to posts about DIY gifts, decorations and wrappings!
    As promised… here is a Holiday Gift Guide 
    put together with different people in mind.
    Hopefully this gives everyone some fun ideas for the 
    upcoming holiday!
    Sources: 1. Passport Travel Set, 2. Small Camcorder, 3. World Traveler Necklace 4. Travel Log
    Sources: 1. Tardis USB Hub, 2. Chemistry Cocktail Set, 3. Tetris Soap, 4. Don’t Panic Towel
    5. Mustache Glasses Holder, 6. IPhone Docking Station
    Sources: 1. Retro Block IPod Speaker, 2. Drumstick Pencils, 
    3. 12-Month Tee Club (Video Game Tee), 4. Pop Camera

    Sources: 1. Bag of Holding Messenger Bag (It’s Bigger on the Inside!), 2. Pencil Pouch, 
    3. Know it All Pencils 4. Personal Library Kit, 5. Retro Block Thumb drive

    Well, I hope this helped you with your holiday shopping! 

    Please let me know what your favorite item was/is! Also, if you see something out there that would fit into one of these categories but I didn’t list please let me know.
    Check out the blog in the upcoming days as I put up my personal wish list as well. 

    ~Always, Jenni