


Yesterday I traveled from my current home in Portland, OR to the home I grew up in Shawnee, OK. What that means for me is hours of traveling via Train, Plane and Automobile. What it also means for me is the purchasing of traveling reads!
I love magazines. I mean, like, LOVE. I got my degree in print journalism and worked for newspapers for a bit… but, my heart has always been in the magazine area of the art. I would buy magazines everyday if I could possibly afford it… and subscriptions would be in my mailbox every time I open it! Well, my bank account and my apartment space does not allow me to purchase magazines nearly as often as I like. As a matter of fact, I really don’t buy them at all day to day. (Although, Martha’s Living Magazine and Wedding Magazine both get an exception to this rule.) When I travel, on the other hand, I get to purchase magazines… both on the trip there and the trip back!
On my trip yesterday there was a buy three get one free deal that I just couldn’t pass up. So, my FOUR new magazines and the beautiful little November issue of Martha Stewart Living that arrived in my mailbox the day before my trip went home with me. Today’s “Friday Finds” are dedicated to these print beauties. (All of the magazines I’m featuring are the November 2010 issues of the respective publication.) Enjoy what I found fun about each of these magazines and go out and buy an issue!

Photo Source via What Were the Skies Like
In-Issue Fantastic Finds: Besides the outrageously good thanksgiving ideas this magazine was made extra special with fantabulous pie recipes and an entire section on brunch. As I really, really like both pie and brunch (sometimes pies at brunches) this magazine was for me. Also, I always enjoy reading Martha’s column and this month is no exception. She writes about the camera equipment she uses as well as the way she takes care of her digital images. Fantastic information and some equipment shots that make me swoon.
image via MarthaStewart.Com
I’m going to make this Apple Custard Pie as soon as possible. 
The crust is a crunchy next of shredded phyllo. YUM!
image via
In-Issue Fantastic Finds: This issue (and the Martha issue) both featured the adorable little pie birds seen on the cover of this magazine. I didn’t know what a pie bird was until reading these magazines but now I must have several of them. (Basically, you put them in the pie to let off steam while baking.) This issue also had a super interesting article called “The Great Thanksgiving Cook-Off” featuring 5 different chef’s versions of a classic Thanksgiving meal. Each meal had to include turkey, stuffing, potatoes, cranberries and one wild-card option. I’ve already got so many ideas for this year’s Thanksgiving!
Pie Birds
image via
In-Issue Fantastic Finds: This must be the season for pie. BHG’s “Life of Pie” article just blew my socks off. Pastry chef Alan Carter gives fantastic tips on creating pies as well as delicious crust and filling recipes. Do your custard pies fall and slide after you bake them? Well, Carter fixes it in a jiffy. Do your apple pies sink in the center? Carter tells you how to bake them tall. 

Image via
The one thing I’m trying out first? Carter’s Perfect Pie Crust. Beauty, isn’t it!? 

Couldn’t find a cover shot!
In-Issue Fantastic Finds: Now, this issue is full of Thanksgiving amazingness. Did you know the best wine pairing for most traditional Thanksgiving dishes is a Syrah? Well, you do now because of Food & Wine. They also have recommendations! But, my favorite part of this issue was in the “Trendspotting” section of the magazine. They did an entire spread on amazing vegetarian foods (as well as several fun vegetarian facts). I love meat (like a lot)… but, I really like finding fun vegetarian options for several different reasons: 1. I have friends who don’t eat meat 2. I like to eat local, organic meat as much as possible and it is expensive 3. I feel better eating less meat so I try to supplement our evening meals with vegetarian ones a few days a week. 
Image Via Food&Wine
I can’t wait to make this Parsnip Bacon for toppings on salads and soups.
It is supposed to have a nice smoky, salty taste to it! (And, a lot of the vegetarians I know wish that they could have the taste of bacon without the animal involved.)
Image Via Sally Benedict Blog
In-Issue Fantastic Finds: I had so many food centered magazines that I had to get something else. I immediately was drawn to this issue with the beautiful cover and fun font. But, after I read “The Ultimate Entertaining Issue” I had to buy it. It is a fantastic issue and beautifully shot. My favorite article was the “101 Party Do’s and Don’ts.” It was 101 tips from event gurus/ party throwers across the nation. I loved how sometimes the tips and advice contradicted each other… it just goes to show you that there is no set rules when it comes to entertaining. Sometimes you’ve just gotta do what fits for you and yours. 
No. 52
Don’t take yourself too seriously. 
Anything goes these with your
table decor and menu,
so have fun.
—Tobi Fairley, Designer
A Well Crafted Party’s First Giveaway is still going on!
to enter to win the following prize package:
—Inspiration Board with sources for an event you are planning to throw at least 2 months from now. The board will be based on a details your provide about your hopes for the party (including BUDGET!).
—3 DIY projects for your party with detailed instructions (see post for an example)
—Information and Ideas for Decorations, Favors, Refreshments and more based on your budget, venue and estimated DIY ability. 😉
 Below is an example of what real parties
can come from this package:
 (I created an inspiration board, suggested ideas and created printable packages for these parties)

A Bike Themed Cocktail Party 
Host’s Ideas for the party: 
A cocktail party that mixes the birthday boy’s love for bikes and recycling. Nothing too fancy– something that everyone can sit back and enjoy. Wanted the space to be special but
not over-decorated and certainly not fussy.

Well Crafted Inspiration Board:
Sources from top left clockwise: 1. Bike Part Image, 2. Industrial looking drink station, 3. Bike Street Sign, 4. Bike part image, 5. striped straws, 6. Black wine bottle, 7. flasks, 8. gears image, 9. chrome table cloth
 A Couple of the “Well Crafted Party” DIY projects:
  • Spray painted empty beer and wine bottles for flowers and other decorations
  • Printable garland, coasters, cupcake toppers and drink tags
  • Taking, Printing and “framing” photos of bikes and bike road signs for the party area

One of the “Well Crafted Party” Printables:


Photos from the Real Party:
This is just one example of a real party that can come from winning this giveaway.
Not planning a party anytime soon but know someone who will be!?! Send them to the page so they can have the opportunity to win this fun package!
Some idea for events 2 months or more away: New Years Eve!, Valentines Day, Winter, Birthdays, Anniversaries, St. Patrick’s Day, Spring and well… the list goes on and on!
There are only 6 days until Halloween!!!
(5 days until my party–YIKES!)
The state of my dining room at the moment.
So, I’ll need to ask your forgiveness as I use the blog as a party planning space for my upcoming party. Any advice, ideas, comments or suggestions are welcome! 
Last week I put in a little update of how the planning was going but, I never put my inspiration up! 
So, below are some of the inspiration boards and drawings for this year’s Halloween!
Inspiration Board #1: Wonderland
I really wanted to have at least two separate spaces in the party. There are so many images that the books “Alice in Wonderland” and “Through the Looking Glass” bring to mind that I wanted to bring in as much as I could to the party space.I’ve decided to have the “Tea Party” in the middle of Wonderland’s enchanted forest area. I wanted pastels, flowers, butterflies and MAGIC.
Sources from top left clockwise: Movie Concept Art,  Little White Glove via StyleMePretty, Baby’s Breath, Mushrooms via A Fanciful Twist, apothecary bottles via Snippet & Ink via Modern50, Stacked Tea Cups via
Concept Drawings: Wonderland
View of the table with a moss table runner.
First concept drawing of the table with moss runner and butterflies hanging from ceiling.
Up close drawing of the table where I hope to incorporate passages from the two books.
 Inspiration Board #2:The Queen of Hearts’ Kingdom

While I love all the colors and “otherworldliness” of Wonderland it is Halloween… so I wanted something a little more dark. The Queen of Hearts’ Kingdom will help serve that need for a little creepiness… I mean really “Off with their Head!”– totally creepy. So, the bar area of the party will serve as the Queen of Hearts’ Kingdom.

Sources from top left clockwise: Painted Red Centerpieces from Fun Favors by Dulce, Shrunken Head Cider from Martha Stewart, Card Attack by A Perfect Party, Gwynn Wasson Designs Mad Tea Collection, Queen of Hearts Table from Grey Likes Weddings

Concept Drawings: The Queen of Hearts’ Kingdom

The Bar: The centerpiece of course being a lovely card castle.

The Queen’s Castle
Please don’t forget to enter our giveaway.. 
the contest ends the evening of Halloween!!
CLICK HERE to enter the contest that gives you the opportunity to win a custom designed party. You’ll receive custom inspiration boards, DIY projects (with instructions) 
and a full printable party package! 
Everything I do for my own parties I’ll do for you!