

Yep, that’s right… it’s 9 days til Halloween! 
Do you have your party planned? 
Have you figured out what the party space is going to look like?
From Frog Prince Paperie
Well, today’s Friday Find is all about throwing that last minute party together. If I haven’t gushed enough about Printables already then prepare yourself for more gushing… 
Printables are a fantastic way to throw together a beautifully styled event for very little money. 
You can find free printables from some fantastic blogs out there, but, if you are looking for something particular then check out the many printables found on Etsy. 
You’ll find entire printable party packages for usually less than $20!
Sources from top left clockwise:
Halloween Glam Printable Party from TomKat Studio
Full Adorable Halloween Printable Party from PaperGlitter
Some free Halloween Printables featured on
Free printables from The Paper Dolls Shoppe featured on
Free Halloween Printables from Love the Day on  
Other Free Halloween Printables:
Fantastic free Halloween Flags from Blush Printables
Have fun creating your Halloween Party Space!
And, don’t forget to enter our giveaway!
Enter to win a free “Well Crafted Party” Package including a custom inspiration board, DIY projects and a full printable 
party made just for you! 
You get 3 chances to win (1 for each comment)! 
Share with your friends and family.
Yikes! There are only 10 days til Halloween!
(Nine if you are like me and having the party on Saturday, Oct. 30.)
So, as I am completely involved with my Halloween 2010 prep I thought I would just 
share some of the things I’ve gotten done up til now!
(My to do list might just make you cringe and I wouldn’t want that.)
Save the Dates
The save-the-dates were made to be EXTRA small.  We plan our party well in advance so I wanted to get these out as soon as I could. (Unfortunately, not everyone invited received one due to procrastination so most people got a social network invite.)
DIY Prep Party
Cutting out butterflies
Drawing Wonderland’s Characters
Creating a card castle
We threw a “prep party” a few weeks ago to get some of the more tedious projects finished. Some people made tissue flowers, other cut out and glued together butterflies, some drew characters from the book and others created a card castle. (My friends are AMAZING!)
Finished Card Castle

 The card castle will go in the bar area (in other words– the Red Queen’s area of the party). The finished projects was above and beyond my expectations and completely the results of me being friends with fabulously talented people. (Thanks Joan and Brandon)
Halloween Prep Area
(at the moment)
I have so much to do still! 
Giveaway Reminder: There are only 10 days left to enter the giveaway for a complete “Well Crafted Party” Package! The prize package includes inspiration boards, DIY projects and printables for a party created just for you! 
CLICK HERE to read the instructions
on how to enter.

I love re-purposing items to use in my parties. One of the items that I really like to use in my parties are PICTURE FRAMES! They come in all kinds of fabulous shapes and sizes and can be used in so many different ways. You can use tiny ones on tables to mark place settings or extremely large ones as props in your home photobooth.

So, I thought I’d bring a DIY project using these wonderful multi-use props. Read on to find TWO fun uses for picture frames.

Prepping Your Frame

First things first…you’ve got to prep your frame to work in your party vision. If you’ve already purchased a frame that works in your vision then fantastic… just skip this step. But, if you’re like me and don’t like to spend a TON of money on party projects then read on. I typically purchase frames at Goodwill or a dollar store. Other fun affordable frames can be found at places like Ikea or Target.

Painting your frame in a color that matches your party’s color scheme is the EASIEST way to make it work in your party. I typically grab a handy can of spray paint for this but, you can use acrylic paint or even Modge Podge it and dump glitter all over it.

Project #1: Framed Sign

This project is the easiest way to really bring attention to certain elements of your party. I like to make signs for all of the major areas of my parties: Bar, Dessert Buffet, Photo Booth… etc.

Tools: Prepped frame of any size… I really like using either 5X7 or 8X10 frames and a sign for the area of choice
Directions: Create signs (or, find some awesome FREE PRINTABLES on-line) and print! You could also hand stencil signs or use your calligraphy talents if you have them! Cut to a size that fits your chosen frame. Then, frame the sign and place in the selected area of your party. 
Project #2: Drink or Appetizer Tray
A fun way to put in a whimsical, special detail into a party is using everyday objects in surprising ways. Using a picture frame as a tray gives you the opportunity to personalize drink areas or make passed hors d’oeuvres extra special.

Tools: Prepped frame of at least 8X10 size or larger, fabric or decorative paper, any extra embellishments you might add (I’m using plastic spiders and rhinestones!), a glue if you are adding embellishments
Directions: Take your prepped frame and slide a decorative paper in the frame. Replace the back of the frame with cardboard OR tape down the prop tool on the back of the frame so that the back is completely flat. Add embellishments to frame in an eye catching way. Place frame on side tables, buffets or in your hands for drinks or hors d’oeuvres!

 Hope you got a few ideas from this post! Don’t forget to enter our giveaway for a full “Well Crafted Party” Package! See the link on the right or just CLICK HERE

And by the by… this post is being entered in the:

Entertain Exchange