

I’m in love. I’ve seen Anna Claire’s 1st birthday out in the blogosphere and I just had to ask to post about the party. The “Pink Lemonade” birthday party was inspired by the fact that AC’s mom, Pam, craved Pink Lemonade during her pregnancy. The details are just way too cute and so well done. I think if any party is a “well-crafted party” then this party would be it.  Check out her blog, The Burrus Family, for more from this amazing party! Oh, and please forgive my over-usage of exclamation points and the word “love”… but, I think you might just understand after seeing these photos.
In preparation for the party Pam did a photoshoot for the invitations. Below are a few of the photos from the photoshoot (find more of the “outtakes” on the Burrus Family blog). 

Is she not the cutest little girl!?!  The finished invitations:

Great, right!?!
Oh, and then there are the details. The homemade bunting is a superb addition to the party. And, please note how great the lemons add a simple, inexpensive pizazz the the mantle.  I love how she used the color scheme throughout the entire party. She also used some of the “outtake” photos as decorations on the food table.

To really top the whole thing off, the “smash” cake was made by Pam herself after taking a cake decorating class the month of the party. 

Last, but certainly not least… A “just her size” lemonade stand that welcomes the guests to the party.

Thank you to Pam and The Burrus Family Blog for the opportunity to share this adorable, well-crafted party.

It is Friday the 13th (in case you didn’t know) and in  honor of this Friday I am doing a “Friday (the 13th) Find” list. That is a lot of Friday for one sentence…

 13 Things I MUST Buy and
Plan a Party Around:

1. I’ve shared my love of Paper Source before on this blog… well, I think I love it more just for having these placemats.  
2. I read all of the Nancy Drew novels as a kid. And, now, with the Nancy Drew Guide to Life and  Nancy Drew Handbook I am beginning to think a mystery party would be just the ticket.
3. A Lego party would be outrageously fun for a lucky 10-year old (or the lucky 10-year old at heart). I think the party would be put over the top with a Lego Digital Camera in the home photobooth. 
4. Anthropology really should open a party-ware store. I’m obsessed with these From the Deep Dinner Plates. 
5. Etsy Treasury is now one of my favorite tools on the web. I’ve wanted to throw a party with a Peacock color-scheme for ages now. I just might get started on it with the finds in the Glamorous Peacock Treasury.
6. Alice in Wonderland is going to be seeing a lot of attention from me in the upcoming months. This picture book is a must buy in the planning and execution of an Alice in Wonderland party. Oh, but I can’t forget the new Penguin edition of the beloved classic with its beautiful cover.
7.I’ve been wanting to throw a carnival themed party for an age now. This print from Lori 411’s Etsy shop would have to be incorporated.
8. Can I please have a party just so I can wear this dress? 
 9. The Etsy treasury titled “The ever expanding universe” may not only have items that I want for a future party but maybe even the name of the theme itself!
10. Fall is almost here and a fall themed party is a MUST. These tree-stump place card holders would not only work for a fall theme but also a save the earth theme or Stumptown themed party.
11. A retro fondue party would not be complete without a 1960s fondue pot.
12. An afternoon in Paris wedding or baby shower would be complete with the addition of this lovely wall paper from Anthropologie. Decorate a prop wall with it or paper boxes to decorate the table.
13. And, While it is a slightly creepy way to end this post I have to give a shout out to a Friday the 13th themed product. The Happy Friday the 13th Etsy Treasury features this stuffed print doll that would be a spooky edition to any Friday the 13th party or even Halloween.