Give the salt to your pepper a valentine that will spice up their holiday! These free printable valentines are perfectly paired with spices.
Need a gift idea for a friend or coworker? These soda water themed valentines are affordable and fun! Free printables on the blog A Well Crafted Party.
A beautiful, caring friend deserves a beautiful celebration in her honor on her birthday. My friend Joan is one…
This weekend, as I was enjoying the beautiful weather here in Oregon, it finally hit me…. IT’S SPRING! There…
I’ve been really good recently about sticking to my posting schedule. Today I had a post almost ready to go an just waiting a…
Today my husband and I celebrate seven years of marriage. So far, there is no itch. 🙂 I honestly can’t even believe that we’ve…
I’ve seen a lot of people pouring out their support for those that have lost in Oklahoma. Please, please, please— if you are able and willing to give— give to the causes that are going to try to benefit all of those who have lost in Oklahoma… not just one town. A lot of outpouring has been going to Moore (which desperately need it) but other towns and people who have lost are not receiving that same outpouring of aid and volunteers. They too are in need.
Lately, due to sickness, I have been less than productive. However, I am usually pretty productive. I like to get things done and I…
I’m in a weird head space at the moment. There has been so much happening lately that I’m feeling slightly overwhelmed. My blog work…
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View AllAnyone else out there getting overwhelmed with the number of wants and THINGS? I am a gift giver by…
I love a good white elephant gift exchange. It gives people the opportunity to mingle and laugh and sends…
I’m always looking for great solutions for affordable, useful, and fun gifts to give my neighbors and coworkers. This…
October through January 1st marks my very favorite season. What season you, ask? It certainly doesn’t fit in the…