I’m always looking for great solutions for affordable, useful, and fun gifts to give my neighbors and coworkers. This…
I think that many Halloween cocktails err on the side of too sweet and too kitschy. Sometimes, you just…
Remember the Halloween Printables I created for all my lovely Facebook fans? Well, I decided to use them in…
Yesterday, 12/12/12, was my birthday…. today, I am still smiling from the wonderful day I had yesterday. It was a happy, happy day. Thanks…
I haven’t always been a big fan of Turkey Day. It wasn’t that I didn’t enjoying eating good food and getting together with family……
I posted this on Instagram a while back. But, I really like the idea behind it, so I am posting it here with a…
I don’t think I stopped for one moment this weekend. It was all fun, but I’m exhausted today! 1) Friday, during the day, I…
We went to the Pumpkin Patch when X was only about two months old. We decided on that trip that the Pumpkin Patch would…
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View AllEvery March I’m excited that I live in Portland for the beautiful Spring trees in bloom, restaurants opening putting…
I recently discovered that corned beef and cabbage isn’t actually Irish, but it certainly is a traditional dish at…
Often when having friends and family over for traditional holidays, I try to stick to tradition while giving it…