
life update


It might be silly, but for the first time in a long time I am happy to tell people what I do for a living. Before I would cough under my breath my profession. Not because I thought it as a bad profession, but because it wasn’t what I set out to do.

For a blip in my lifetime, I got to say that I was a journalist when someone asked my profession.


“And, what do you do?” people would ask.
“Lifestyle Editor,” I’d say with a smile.

Well, now my smile is just a bit bigger… because for as LONG as I could remember I’ve wanted to be a  writer. And, while I’m not seeing my name in print anywhere (other than online) right now, I am seeing stories and books that I have ghostwritten being published as Ebooks and SELLING.

Over the past three months of being a Freelance Writer (the past month being my first full-time freelance writing gigs) I’ve written a lot of words. As a matter of fact, between my freelance work and my blogs, I’ve written (approximately) 200,000 words in the past three months. That is nearly as many words as Moby Dick. More words than a Harry Potter novel! The same amount of words as two of the Ender’s Game books.

It makes me wonder why in the world I have not finished my novel that I’ve been working on for about three years.

It is motivating me. And, for the first time in a while I have no problem with someone asking me what I DO.

What did you want to be when you grew up? Do you smile now when asked what you do? 

Earlier this month I was a guest at a beautiful first birthday party put on by the fabulous Adi from Garden of Edlen. The party pics are up at my other blog…but, I had a lot of other photos from the event that I wanted to share. There are a couple that are a tad blurry…sorry!

Myself, Adi (Garden of Edlen) and Suzannah (Adventures in Dressmaking)

I’ve had the extreme fortune this past year of getting to know these two lovely ladies through the Portland Bloggers meet-ups. We’ve really had a lot of fun working on the Portland Bloggers group… but, memories like these are my favorite. We’ve become a part of each others lives outside of blogging, yet we get to keep up with each others day to day activities through blogging. It is like the perfect mix of social networking in the real world and the virtual world. Getting a little sappy over here.

This is pretty much my view all of the time. My kiddo walking with his dad right behind him making sure he doesn’t fall too hard. I’m pretty smitten with the two of them.

And, this is what Jack and X looked like near the end of Jack’s first birthday party. They were totally worn out by all the fun. Go check out the lovely party images of Jack’s Wild Rumpus and get some ideas for an awesome “Where the Wild Things Are” party!

***If the title didn’t give it away… this post is all about ME. It is ego-centric and reflective. If you don’t want to read the word “I” a bajillion times then I’m glad you stopped by, but stop reading now. 
I’ll be back soon with something less me-centric. ***
I’ve been super reflective lately because of a few huge things that have/are happening to me right now:
  • I’m very soon to be turning 29 years old. I’ve been looking forward to this birthday most of my life (12/12/12) and have always had certain expectations for where I would be and who I would be at my 29th birthday. 
  • I quit my service industry job of 6 years to pursue writing, look for full-time career-style employment, and/or stay at home with my son. 
  • I moved into a house rather than an apartment for the first time in our marriage.
  • We started weaning and I have my own body to myself for the first time in nearly 2 years. Don’t get me wrong… loved sharing it with my little guy for his enrichment and development. But, I’m happy to have it back. 

 These changes have cause me to really examine my life and what I’ve been doing for the past 29 years.

Overall, I’m pretty happy with me.
 I feel like I’ve become the type of person I want to be and I want to teach my kid(s) to be. I try my hardest to be confident, kind, non-judgmental, giving, and thankful. I’m certainly not perfect. But, I don’t expect myself to be perfect (anymore, that is a whole other story though) and I don’t want my kid(s) to expect perfection out of themselves or out of me. 

But, as for where I am at in my life. 
I expected more from myself. 
I’ve allowed the lack of funds or fear of failure to dictate my achievements for too long. I’ve worked for free to “build my portfolio” or “because I’m not a real pro” for too long. I’ve downplayed my worth for too long. 

And, I’m learning to be okay with that. 
It has all been a part of building the WHO I am part of me. 
But, now it is time for me. 

This is going to be MY year. 
(I plan on being as supportive as ever to my husband and son…
 but, other than that there is going to be a lot of putting ME first this year)

My goals this year: 
  • Finish my novel. I have been working on a novel for three + years now. And, in my freelance gig I had to write a novel in a month. So, now I know I can do it. I am going to focus on my novel and get it done. I’ll be looking for (free/cheap) editors friends who like to read. 🙂
  • Develop my E-course/E-book idea and have it running before the end of 2013. I’m super excited about developing and collaborating with a few friends on this project. 
  • Spend time putting my physical well-being a priority. I will be posting on this later in much more detail. Overall I am pretty healthy, but I have had some significant pain over the past four years that are semi-directly related to my weight. It is time to make this a priority, but I want it to enrich my life rather than take away some of the joy. Finding the balance and implementing a routine will be a huge goal for this year. 
  • Party like its 12/12/12. Silly goal, I know. But, when ever since I turned 12 and my grandmother made a HUGE deal out of the the fact that I turned 12 on 12/12 I have looked forward to my 29th birthday. And, I throw parties. Financially throwing a party right now is irresponsible and not at all possible for us. But, my hopes are that I can score enough freelance gigs to make a small celebration happen. 
Are you where you want to be in your life? 
What are your goals for YOU?